
Green Cleaning Tips

Identifying and minimising the stressors in your life is key to having more balance and calm, however, we often forget our home life and things we bring in and use around homes.  Making and using home made products, whether that's food or otherwise means you know exactly what's in your product and are in control of what you're eating, putting on your skin or breathing in!

Natural home made cleaning products are not only quick, easy and cheap to make, they help to reduce the toxins you and your family are exposed to and can be personalised to suit your family's requirements.

Below are a couple of very easy green cleaning recipes that be utilised to reduce your toxin exposure and leaving you home smell great too!

All Purpose Cleaner
2 tablespoons of DoTerra On Guard Cleaning concentrate
24oz water
Optional: 10 drops of essential oils of choice such as Lemon, Tea Tree, Basil, Lemongrass.
Combine all the above ingredients in a glass spray bottle and shake well before use.
Spray liberally and wipe down with a clean cloth.

After cleaning out any pantry & clothing cupboards - place 2 drops of Lavender and/or Cedarwood essential oils on cotton wool balls an tuck into corners of cupboards to deter pests

Floor Cleaner
Bucket of warm water
2 tablespoons of liquid castile
5 drops of Douglas Fir essential oil
5 drops of Siberian Fir essential oil
5 drops of Cypress essential oil
10 drops of Lemon essential oil

Combine all the above ingredients in the bucket of water.  
Use a mop or cloth to clean floors.

Washing Machine Cleaner
1 cup of baking soda
1 cup of vinegar
20 drops of Tea Tree essential oil
20 drops of Lemon essential oil
Add the baking soda to the drum of empty washing machine and close the door.
Combine the essential oils to the cup of vinegar and pour mixture into the detergent drawer.
Run a cycle with extra rinse.
Once the cycle is complete, open washing machine and wipe down inside of door and drum.

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