
Mini Frittata

These mini frittata are so versatile and can be eaten hot or cold at ANY time of the day (or night).  Try them for breakfast, mid-morning or after school snacks, lunchboxes or a light supper with side salad
As they are egg based they're rich in protein, filling and depending on the other ingredients you choose can certainly contribute towards meeting your vegetable intake.
Here I have included onion, cheese, mixed peppers and spinach but other ideas can include mushrooms, ham, peas, broccoli, tomatoes etc.

I tend to batch cook these using a 12 cup muffin tin and store extras so they are easily on hand when hunger strikes and we're pushed for time.

~ 12 medium eggs
~ 1/3 mug of milk (or can be omitted for dairy free)
~ 1/2 onion finely chopped
~ 100g of cheddar cheese
~ handful of chopped mixed peppers (I've used frozen)
~ 1 cube of frozen chopped spinach

  1. Fry the onion and mixed pepper, until softened and then add the cube of chopped spinach and mix until cooked through.  Transfer into a small bowl
  2. In a large bowl whisk up the eggs and milk until combined, then pour in the grated cheese and gently combine.
  3. Grease a 12 cup muffin tin
  4. Using a ladle or large serving spoon, spoon the egg/milk/cheese mixture into each of the 12 cups of the muffin tin but only until each cup is 2/3 full
  5. Using a teaspoon, transfer the onion/mixed pepper/spinach mixture and distribute into each of the 12 cups of the muffin tin, making sure the eggy mixture does not overflow the cup
  6. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes or until the Frittatas have risen and are golden brown.
  7. Once cooked, remove from the oven but leave the Frittatas in the muffin tin for about 5 mins to cool

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