
Homemade Ice Lolly

I'm always looking for healthier versions of treats which children still love and enjoy and keeps parents happy too, so it's a WIN-WIN!!

These homemade ice lollies are a great activity for the kids to do, a healthy alternative to shop bought, sugar loaded ice lollies and a fun way to cool down and stay hydrated in the summer months.

~ Coconut water to fill your ice lolly moulds
~ fresh/frozen fruit chunks such as mango, pineapple or orange
~ handful of frozen blueberries or raspberries

~ Divide the frozen berries between your ice lolly moulds
~ Whizz the coconut water and fruit chunks together into a blender and pour into the ice lolly moulds.
~ Transfer into the freezer until frozen/overnight

Coconut water is a natural healthy way to stay hydrated and provides electrolytes and minerals such as potassium to the body.
It’s an easy way for kids to stay hydrated especially if at times its a battle to get them to drink plenty of water.

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