
Ginger Chai

There’s something quite calming about making tea, it takes time to make a well brewed cup of tea which forces you to sloooooow down.

I don’t often get the opportunity to make tea with fresh ingredients, brew all the ingredients to release their benefits and then still have time to actually enjoy the warming and soothing effects of a great cuppa. #beingaparent
It’s not quite the tea ceremony of the Far East, but far more relaxing and therapeutic than boiling a kettle and dunking a teabag in hot water. (which, lately, I've been doing too often).

There are so many health benefits to Ginger, however, it’s mainly known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
Ginger tea is just one of the many ways to get this amazing plant into your diet. As most people consume very small amounts of Ginger, it’s good to combine it with a variety of different nutrient-dense foods to meet your nutritional needs.
Ginger can help with:
  • nausea
  • fungal infections
  • digestive discomfort
  • reducing inflammation
  • balancing blood sugar and reducing cravings
  • just enjoyed as a warming beneficial addition to your food and drink as I do   

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